April 2017 Loot Crate Unboxing 

Every month we crack open the Loot Crate to see what kind of geeky goodness is inside, always hoping for some horror items. This month delivers them in spades and it's not even October. We've got stuff from Batman, Jessica Jones, The X-Files, and Stranger Things. All this, plus my children are getting completely out of control. It's only a matter of time before they take over these videos and destroy everything in these boxes. Please send help.

In any case, if you want to get your very own Loot Crate, just like this one, click here to sign up!

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James Ferguson
Lord of the Funny Books
James has a 2nd grade reading level and, as a result, only reads books with pictures. Horror is his 5th favorite genre right after romantic comedy and just before silent films. No one knows why he's here, but he won't leave.
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