Prey Short Movie Review

Written by Charlotte Stear

Official Site

Directed by Sunny King
Written by Edith Nwekenta
2016, 13 minutes, Not Rated

Werucke Opia as Ebele
O.C. Ukeje as Obi
Steve Mace as Security man
Yvonne Hays as Michelle
Azizat Sadiq as Somi

prey poster


After a fun night out, Ebele leaves her girlfriends to find her car in an underground car park. She soon realises she is not alone and someone is stalking her movements, but nothing is particularly what it seems.

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Prey is just over ten minutes long but manages to perfectly capture what it feels like to be a woman making her way home alone after a night out. The apprehension and feeling of vulnerability is down to a great script from Edith Nwekenta and great performances by Werucke Opia and O.C Ukeje. It also doesn’t go where you expect it to, a young lady being stalked in a car park may not sound like a particularly original idea but it leaves you guessing and manages to stir up some great tension.

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It’s a very stylish short that utilises different camera styles and angles to achieve a rather claustrophobic film that will have you gripped from start to end, and keep you thinking after the credits roll.


Movie: 4 Star Rating prey small

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