

Indie comic The Mugwump Corporation has debuted its first issue on ComiXology. Written by Patrick King and illustrated by Yeshua Jadon Makkonnen, the comic retails for $0.99.

Marybeth Callen has always been a loner. Isolated in her apartment, she takes refuge in escaping into books. But she desperately wants a friend. Today, that friend will find her and transform her into a monster and a cannibal - something that Marybeth never knew she wanted, or maybe even needed.

The nightmare begins here as two realities combine to form a terrible dream that no one can wake up from.

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James Ferguson
Lord of the Funny Books
James has a 2nd grade reading level and, as a result, only reads books with pictures. Horror is his 5th favorite genre right after romantic comedy and just before silent films. No one knows why he's here, but he won't leave.
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